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Taco Tuesday: New Things, Crafts, and Hot AF Weather

Happy Taco Tuesday guys! What have you all been up to? I've been plowing through new orders, housework, and hot weather. I am stoked to tell you all about it!
First, let's talk about the Prototype Vault! This is a new section in the shop where I will list all of my experiments that didn't quite work out like I wanted them to from the Polish Pickup, miscellaneous custom-made items, and just general items. I like to experiment a few times before I commit to a concept, but sometimes I love what I created too much to undo it. I have decided that going forward (mostly) all of my protoypes will list for $6.50 + free shipping. Come grab a unique, one of a kind item for a killer deal.

This swirling little rectangular pendant was a one-off practice for my much-beloved Rainbow Reader pendants. I was testing out backgrounds and while this intense glitter didn't make the cut, but it gave me and the Tacquitos (my lovely assistants) My Little Pony vibes. 

I also tested out another concept: thermal polish in a pendant. I wanted to know if I could get a good transition from just wear...and I couldn't. I am a bit of a lizard though, so your mileage may vary. It's still pretty, and I bet you could get a transition through the glass. My loss is your gain.

I've also been doing a bit of drawing lately! I find it super theraputic and relaxing, and I always wonder why I don't do it more often. Do you like to draw? I am trying to learn that not everything has to be art. Sometimes, drawing for fun is perfectly ok.

These are some of my favorites in the shop right now! 

  • Aquamarine Teardrop Pendant. A lovely watermarbled, flake-filled pendant. It is so sublty shimmery and natural stone-like...I am really pleased with how this one turned out. Now...if I could remember how I made it!
  • Fire and Blood Bookmark. A little salty after the end of Game of Thrones? too. Which means its time for a re-read of the series. 
  • All of Time and Space Bookmark. Nothing like a bit of the Doctor to put you in a bookish mood! I need to rewatch all the modern episodes again.
  • Rainbow Reader Mini Pendants. I still have a few left, and I would love to get the donation together very soon! 

It's so hot here right now, yall. 100º is too many, especially for a location where the average temperature is about 65º. We don't have air conditioning and it suuuccks. Plus, the US Open is gearing up and there are so many people in town right now. (Pro tip: don't swim in the water on the southern side of Monterey Bay. Rip tides and danger await) Pray for us. I am drinking my morning coffee over ice.


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